CCTV Systems for home and business premises.
CCTV can give you peace of mind that your property is secure, allowing you to remotely check on your property. CCTV has many roles, namely, deterrence, remote and local monitoring and should the worst happen, images and video to help lead to a successful prosecution.
CCTV has come along way and we can now offer systems that include full colour images even at night time, without having to also install large, obtrusive floodlights.
In addition to that, CCTV now has the capability to have Artificial Intelligence learning and monitoring of the video scenes. This means that the system can now pro-actively notify you of an intruder or an issue in the given area, practically eliminating false notifications and can also actively deter a potential intruder or thief.
With correct CCTV positioning a site can be effectively monitored and protected. A recommended third party monitoring company could also be connected to keep an eye on your property 24/7 if that is what you require. The correct set up and positioning of CCTV cameras can also ensure that any images captured could be used by law enforcement agencies to ensure a successful conviction should the worst happen.
We can help design a system to suit your needs so please do get in touch to start the process of actively protecting and monitoring your premises, commercial or residential.